4 Ways to Conserve Water and Ease the Burden on Your Septic Tank | Septic Tank Pumping Pros

4 Ways to Conserve Water and Ease the Burden on Your Septic Tank | Septic Tank Pumping Pros


4 Ways to Conserve Water and Ease the Burden on Your Septic Tank

If your household runs on a septic tank, it is generally a good idea to try to reduce the amount of water you use. Septic tanks are designed to hold wastewater long enough that solids to settle to the bottom and oil and grease to rise up to the top, processes known as settling and separating. When too much water flows into the septic tank, it essentially disrupts these processes, which can, in turn, disrupt the functioning of the system and cause clogged pipes. So, how can you conserve water to keep your septic tank in prime working condition? Be sure to check out the following tips and tricks.1

1. Don’t leave the tap running.

When you just leave the tap on, it uses up about six liters of water per minute. Whether you’re brushing your teeth or scrubbing a pan, if you don’t need the water running, then turn it off.

2. Make sure none of your taps or pipes are leaking.

If you have a leaky tap or a leaky pipe, you are unnecessarily wasting water and putting more stress on your septic tank than needed. Believe it or not, a dripping tap alone can waste 15 liters of water per a day, which adds up to a staggering 5,500 liters of water in one year! That’s a lot of extra water needlessly going into your septic tank.

3. Cut down on your shower times.

Showers can use anywhere from six liters of water to 45 liters of water per a minute depending on factors like water pressure and the type of showerhead you have. That’s a pretty extraordinary amount of water. If you have a family of four and you all cut one minute off of your shower times, you could save upward of 100 liters of water per day.

4. Purchase water-efficient household products.

These days, it is possible to get water-efficient toilets, showerheads, washing machines, taps, and dishwashers, along with an array of other water-saving products that will help you to cut down on your water use. These are well worth the investment, as not only are they good for the environment, but they will also help you reduce stress on your septic tank, helping it to stay in good condition for longer. And of course, when you’re running appliances like washing machines and dishwashers, always make sure you do so on a full load to maximize efficiency.

In conclusion, water conservation is good for the health of your septic system in the long run. If you encounter any issues with your tank, be sure to get in touch with a professional.


via Septic Tank Pumping Pros http://ift.tt/2hrSjCe